Monday, April 28, 2008

MPB Top Programs Online - Video Hits - wk 17

- Bella tops 1 million for TV3
- Jelma doubles v'ship from last week for
- PrinceHours big on 8TV
- Who'd have guessed Keluarga would be so popular on TV9!

Friday, April 25, 2008

A ramble to test Zemanta

2005 5 Series with M Sport PackageImage via WikipediaWhat a weird day. Clearly had too many nights out at Dave's in One Utama this week, which included drinking. I didn't intend to, in fact all the dinners were work related and last night with Kim & Izam, well who would go home early & miss the chance to hang out with old friends like that? Oh, Izam is getting a BMW 5-series to use as his daily ride, leaving the Mercedes for weekends. He must love that Merc, because its an expensive way to keep the mileage down!
I should be worried then, my old 450SL coming up to 90,000miles, but for a 30 year old car thats not bad and to be honest, i think it LIKES being driven daily - can you feel what a car likes? Yeah, i think so..anyway, its being reliable and fun and i still get a kick out of cruising in it. The way it surges so effortlessly in response to a little right foot stimulation, i love it. Never in a hurry to accelerate of cos:) just continually 'surging' fwd.
I would love to take it back to New Zealand, its wonderful for open top motoring and so many good drives and places to visit...ah well dreaming again.

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